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Optical communication

Advantages of Smart Farming

Smart control with words

Built-in phone server in greenhouse system.

All controls such as open/closer and irrigation system by voice.

uninterrupted Network

Network configuration through optical cables.

House network separate configuration Automation of 1

unexpensive initial installation cost

Development cost is not included in the selling price as it is developed through a national project

Virtualization technology

Use of the lowest specification industrial PC Server group installation using Docker virtualization technology.

Data collection, storage, management, telephone, voice control, recording virtual server

Cloud/AI technology

Cloud-based data accumulation supports growth prediction and effective farming management. Analyzing accumulated data helps optimize resource allocation and decision-making for irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. This data-driven approach enhances farming efficiency, leading to improved agricultural outcomes.

Network management technology

Greenhouse connection of farmhouse optical network

Greenhouse operation through optical communication

Efficient management by separating greenhouse and farmhouse networks